Yaşar Tolga Cora

Ph.D., 2016, University of Chicago

(90) (212) 359 7454


TB 510

İlgi Alanları: 
Geç Osmanlı ve Türkiye Sosyal ve İktisadi Tarihi, Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nda Hristiyan ve Yahudiler'in Tarihi, Modern Ortadoğu, Modern Ortadoğu İktisat Tarihi, Emek Tarihi, Göç Tarihi, I. Dünya Savaşı
Verdiği Dersler: 

HIST 321 Osmanlı Tarihi 1790-1908

HIST 322 Modern Türkiye Tarihi

HIST 422 Osmanlı Sosyal ve İktisadi Tarihi-II

HIST 58N Osmanlı ve Ortadoğu Tarihi: Okumalar

HIST 594 Geç Osmanlı Tarihi: Okumalar

HIST 59S Osmanlı Ermenileri: İmparatorluktan Cumhuriyete

HIST 59X Hatıratlar ve Geç Osmanlı Tarihi

Seçili Yayınlar: 
“The Market as a Means of Post-Violence Recovery: Armenians and Oriental Carpets in the Late Ottoman Empire (c.1890s–1910s),” International Review of Social History (2021) doi:10.1017/S0020859021000018 [first view]
Archiv Orientalni 88-3 (2020) Special Issue: Fighting Under the Same Banner: Memories from the Ottoman Theater of the Great War. (co-edited with Richard Wittmann) 
“ ‘As Brave as Armenak Efendi’: Ethnic Hierarchies and the Precarious Masculinity of an Ottoman Armenian Officer during the Great War,” Archiv Orientalni 88-3 (2020):: 401-428.

“Institutionalized Migrant Solidarity in the Late Ottoman Empire: Armenian Homeland Associations (1800s–1920s),” New Perspectives on Turkey, 63 (2020): 55-79.

“Providing Services and Bargaining Over Loyalty: The Crimean War and the Armenian Elite in the Ottoman Empire,” Archiv Orientální, 87-3 (2019): 421-444.

“Female Labor, Benevolent Merchants, and Resilient Manufacturing: Rethinking Late Ottoman Armenian History through Labor, Business and Community,” Journal of the Social and Economic History of the Orient, 61-3 (2018): 361-395.

“Localizing Missionary Activities: Encounters between Tondrakians, Protestants and Apostolic Armenians in Khnus in the Mid-Nineteenth Century,” in The Ottoman East in the Nineteenth Century: Societies, Identities and Politics, ed. by Yaşar Tolga Cora, Dzovinar Derderian and Ali Sipahi (London: I.B. Tauris, 2016), 109-132.

Harbiyeli Bir Osmanlı Ermenisi: Mülâzım-ı Sânî Kalusd Sürmenyan’ın Birinci Dünya Savaşı ve Tehcir Anıları (Istanbul: Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları, 2015).